Pet Policies and Amenities Survey Pet Policies and Amenities Survey

The following is from a press release by our vendor

There is an increasing demand for pet-friendly housing in Indianapolis. By utilizing, we are able to identify and properly charge for pets. We also believe it’ss very important that our owners and properties are pet friendly with responsible pet owners., a first-of-its-kind screening platform that empowers property managers to outsource their pet risk assessment and assistance animal validation processes at no charge, has released its Multifamily Pet Policies and Amenities Survey Report in conjunction with J Turner Research.

The study, which included nearly 23,000 renters, highlighted a significant rise in pet ownership fueled by 2020’s increased stay-at-home measures, as 26% of pet-owning respondents indicated they acquired a pet during the pandemic. Pet adoption was much more prevalent among student residents at 39%.

“This underscores the need for apartment operators to create the most pet-friendly experience possible, as it is a tiebreaking factor for more and more renters,” said Peter Cowan, senior associate of ancillary revenue and strategy for Bridge Property Management. “The uptick in ownership also further cements the need for management teams to create a pet-responsible environment for pet owners and non-pet owners alike. While the increase of pets is undoubtedly a positive thing, they must all be properly accounted for.”

The study featured residents from rental-housing operators, including those managed by Bridge, Asset Living, The Franklin Johnston Group and LMC. In addition to the skyrocketing pet ownership trend, 19% of respondents that currently do not own pets indicated that they intend to acquire a pet within the next year. That suggests that the increase of pet-owning residents will not subside when the pandemic ends.

“Empty pet shelters were one of the few silver linings of 2020,” said Lucy Simone, senior vice president of associate development for LMC. “With that, many of those newly adopted pets arrived at our apartment communities. While we warmly welcome them, we understand this means that our pet-friendliness and accountability levels must be on par to match the current demand.”

The study also explored residents’ overall comfort with pets at their respective properties, examined wish lists for preferred pet amenities and outlined top concerns regarding pet behavior. The study also delved into residents’ thoughts regarding breed and weight restrictions in addition to gauging experience with regard to pets visiting the property.

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